Valentina Red 370ml
Valentina Red 310ml
Best before: 31/05/2028
Valentina Red is a fiery and vibrant sauce that elevates your taste buds to new heights. Crafted with a perfect blend of sun-ripened tomatoes, fiery chili peppers, and a secret mix of spices, this salsa is a celebration of bold and intense flavors. The rich red hue of the Valentina Red Salsa hints at the bold taste that awaits, making it a visually appealing addition to any meal.
- Spicy Kick: Valentina Red is known for its bold and spicy profile, delivering a satisfying kick that spice enthusiasts crave.
- Fresh Ingredients: Made from the finest quality, sun-kissed tomatoes and carefully selected chili peppers, the salsa captures the essence of freshness.
- Versatility: This salsa isn't just about heat; it boasts a well-balanced combination of flavors that enhance a variety of dishes.
- Texture: With a chunky and satisfying texture, Valentina Red Salsa adds a delightful crunch to your favorite snacks and meals.
- Authenticity: Rooted in traditional recipes, this salsa stays true to its cultural origins while offering a modern twist.
Usage Suggestions:
- Dipping Delight: Pair Valentina Red with tortilla chips, nachos, or fresh veggies for an irresistible dipping experience at parties or casual gatherings.
- Taco Topper: Elevate your tacos, burritos, or quesadillas by generously spooning Valentina Red Salsa on top. The combination of heat and flavor will make your Mexican-inspired dishes unforgettable.
- Grill Master Companion: Brush Valentina Red Salsa onto grilled meats, seafood, or vegetables for a zesty glaze that adds depth and character to your barbecue creations.
- Drizzle over french fries for a spicy kick. Add to scrambled eggs for a more flavorful breakfast. Use as a sauce for chopped cucumber for a refreshing snack.
Keep Valentina Red in a dry and cool place at room temperature. After opening, close tightly and store in a cool, dry place.
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